Amon hen lego lord of the rings walkthrough
Amon hen lego lord of the rings walkthrough

amon hen lego lord of the rings walkthrough

#Amon hen lego lord of the rings walkthrough cracked

Walk into the cave and clear each path of debris (with arrows, an axe and explosives for the target, Cracked Lego Tile, and Silver boulders respectively) then push the platforms into their green slots and the brick will materialize in the middle of the maze. Head back down on the shoreline and open the gate there by fishing the crank handle out of the river. Finally, the last brick will show on the map as being on the plateau, but don't pull your hair out looking for it it's actually under the hill. Climb up the stairs on the stone building and smash the 6 bouncing statues to materialize the brick. Smash it open with an axe to grab the brick. Look for the Silver boulders piled in the corner and blow them up to reveal a Cracked Lego Tile. Play whack-a-mole, hitting 10 in a row within 30 seconds to attain the Mithril brick. Climb to the top of the Amon Hen plateau (either on the arrow peg side or rope hook side) and look for the moles popping out of the ground. Walk along the beams toward the campfire and smash the tiny chest in the nook there to find the brick. Still on the shore, look for the canoe on the right side of the jetty and ride it across the river. In a caged-off cave across from the shore, shoot a target on the wall above to open it up and smash the chest inside to grab the Mithril brick.

amon hen lego lord of the rings walkthrough

Shoot to open the pads, then jump across to the brick floating above the water. Also on the shoreline, look for three lily pads with targets on top of them. Climb to the top and shoot the crossbow there to extend a tightrope. Climb through with Gollum and you'll emerge at the foot of the Argonath. On the shoreline, look for a climbable wall with a Small Character hatch at the top.

Amon hen lego lord of the rings walkthrough