How to make woocomerce carousel with visual composer free
How to make woocomerce carousel with visual composer free

how to make woocomerce carousel with visual composer free how to make woocomerce carousel with visual composer free

Tooltip support any kind of content, like a image or video. Optional open every tooltip by default when page loaded. Hotspot icon support pulse animation, and can be in white, gray, red, green, blue or purple. Hotspot icon (and the circle dot) support any kind of color. Hotspot icon support Font Awesome icon or numbers, numbers or single dot. You can customize each hotspot icon’s postion easily in the Visual Composer Frontend editor. Retina ready, you can choose to display the thumbnail in retina. Thumbnail support custom link or lightbox. Both transition support left_to_right, right_to_left, top_to_bottom and bottom_to_top. 20 transitions for the circle, 15 transitions for the square.

How to make woocomerce carousel with visual composer free